Discover your story here

Welcome to Monroe County Public Library
121 Pineville Road
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
Welcome to Monroe County Public Library
121 Pineville Road
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
Discover your story here
121 Pineville Road
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
121 Pineville Road
Monroeville, Alabama 36460
We provide all residents in Monroe County, Alabama with opportunities to pursue lifelong learning, information, and cultural enrichment.
To accomplish this goal, the library will offer free access to technology resources and the printed word, thereby imparting knowledge to help patrons make wise and informed decisions to improve their lives.
Hours of Operation
Monday 8:30-4:30
Tuesday 8:30-4:30
Wednesday 8:30-4:30
Thursday 8:30-4:30
Friday 8:30-4:30
Saturday 9-Noon
If you would like to check out a book via our curbside service, please call ahead during our normal operating hours and we will meet you outside.
(251) 743-3818
Visit our online catalog to reserve or renew your favorite titles.
Monroe County Public Library Staff
121 Pineville Road
Monroeville, AL 36460
Library Director
Genealogy and Family History
The Monroe County Public Library in partnership with Camilla Net, Alabama’s Digital Library, is proud to offer an extensive online literary collection. Alabama's Digital Library is now available to all Monroe County Public Library Patrons. To access the digital library, follow the link provided and set up your online library card account. When you enter Alabama’s Virtual Library, you will meet Libby, your online assistant, and she will help you get started. This is a great way to enjoy your favorite book or magazine anytime. Take the library with you when you go to the beach, on a day outing to your favorite park, or when you are just sitting beside the pool. If you cannot visit the Monroe County Public Library in person, you will still have access to thousands of titles.
Your best virtual reading experience is just a click away.
We are always looking for volunteers who want to share their time and talents. In-kind and financial donations keep us moving forward. If you want to volunteer, please stop by or give us a call. If you want to give a financial gift, please use the link below. We are glad you want to be a part of your Monroe County Public Library.
Register for our email list and get notices when new and exciting things happen. Your privacy is important. Your email information will only be used by the MCPL staff.
We love our patrons and guests!
121 Pineville Road * Monroeville, AL 36460
phone (251) 743-3818 fax (251) 575-7357
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
We are closed on Federal Holidays.